Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is coming ..

 Christmas is coming soon...
 that mean my birthday is coming soon....
 My birthday fall on boxing day which is the day after Christmas...  :)

By the way,  i would like to wish everyone who read the blog Merry Christmas

"  Ho ho Merry Christmas " ....
from the little me ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


dropping tears from the eye of a princess.
Every drop fill with sadness, loneliness, scare and all her feeling and emotion..
There a short story about her...

Once upon a time.. there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for every thing she done.
There are always problems follow her footstep. There are people who like her and other dislike her for all thing she had done. But that not all that make unhappy and cry all the time. She felt unhappy due to her few words or even an action that change the situation make people angry and blame her all the time. She always sit alone in a corner and being invisible in the crows. She also felt sad that her happiness, loneliness and sadness but no one to talk with her.
Here a question quest how many friend she had? 

In here there a hidden massage inside the short story ...

    In the world there is always some one is better that you. Sometimes people tent to express themselves with word without mean to harm or hurt other feeling. Their words may change other decision but  their didn't mean too. Please don't blame or angry them. At the same time your'll feel uncomfortable and don't make other feel guilty, sad and unhappy just because of a little thing that has happen..



Tuesday, November 22, 2011


As usually I'm naughty in my own way ...
Thing that i normally do is to mess up  my table or desk  in a particular manner..
Like notes, magazines, sketch book and much more..

I'm naughty in my own way because
First, i mess up all the thing
Secondly, I'm very forgetful in a certain manner [very close friend will recognize it]
Third, I playful all the time, making joke, laugh in certain manner..
Fourth, i naughty in the way that not follow instruction or thing that has been tell !!
Many more here...

   By the way people capture or take a picture  you can quest  their personally ..
Like me i will try to take the best picture i can if possible
PS. It just my interpretation only.. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

special code:0706A111511

Code of the day 0706A111511

So cold now...
the fan only on number 2..

Silly little one here become a sleepless little princess toward a certain time
have a 4 hours quick nap before class started..

Rushing in and out daily in all the places..

 I'm going to sleepy piglet soon toward the next morning  " Zzzzz  zzzzzzzzzzzz"

So sick here..
hope weekend can come faster ..
sore trough and flu already arrive early than my expectation   ..
Em.. i miss something here
Ah! i know the very best friend of sore trough, cough ...
[ When fever come to visit me ???? ]        

I'm silly in my own way,
Wanted hot drink right now... [ anything hot is fine, maybe hot soup/ hot milo or even hot tea ]

Can someone here make or offer me a cup of hot drink ..
Maybe like this picture ... :)  
The weather now is changeable toward the night
The last moment can be a sunny day but the next second can rainy day .. 
For now until here 
Still got a lot thing is waiting for silly little one  here .. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Wish to be the adorable among friend,classmate, and everyone around me...
adorable in the a different way which everyone know that i'm exist in their surrounding.. 

I don't like to be invisible all the time.. 
wish everyone like me, which who i am now 
not the one that who can help when there a urgent in mind ...

I like the way i'm now..
I trying my best to be a better people in the future...
Fill with a various idea and information ...

I thankful with all i have ..
Thank Everyone for teaching in my pass...
Thanks Mom for bringing me to life ...
without you i won't be here right now..

Be kind and graceful to your parent ...
Now, before that too late ..
which your will regret when time pass by..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

糊涂小公主 。。。

busy life in semester 5
Now is week 7 ...
everyday  have to rush 24 hours
table full with papers, books, pens and much more...

Full with a lot of researches from books, magazines, internet sources...
Everyday dating with the assignment ...
Each due date is 2 weeks time...

Almost every week run in and out the print house around the college area..
sometime do forget personal belonging
like water bottle, forget to bring umbrella.. :)
silly right..

* PS. Is very tired, forgetful all the time but i still enjoy my college life..   :)
 Smile always, everything will be ok when time pass by.. :)

this is just the starting ...

from : swphang 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

我的星座:摩羯座 ♑

【12星座谁是大白痴】                     : 第十二(严肃摩羯座)
【12星座的目前状态】                     : 魔羯座(很迷惘)
【12星座爱你的“绝对时间”】            : 摩羯——时过境迁时 
【12星座幸福与危险速配】              : 敦亲睦邻型:天蝎VS摩羯 
12星座的气质像什么】                 : 摩羯座(奔驰)
【12星座之不要相信她】                 : 请别相信摩羯没情趣
【12星座人格特质】                        : 摩羯——分裂型人格 
【世界末日来临12星座会怎么度过】 : 10摩羯座--豪华离世 
【12星座敏感的人】                        : 摩羯不是我工作范围的人            
【12星座的吻像什么糖果】              : 摩羯座——薄荷糖
【12星座恶魔女】                           : 第十名:魔羯座
【12星座谁最耐得住寂寞】              : 亚军(摩羯座)
【细看12星座女奢侈在什么地方】    : 摩羯情绪购物
【12星座女给人的第一印象】          : 魔羯-平凡却爱搞冷场子
【12星座最大优点】                       : 摩羯座(最有上进心)
【12星座夏日财运提点】                : 摩羯:提高生活质量
【12星座最希望kiss什么地方】        : 魔羯:手指
【12星座权力女王Top5】                : NO、1摩羯(主观意识强,是典型的权力女王)
【12星座远距离爱情持久指数】       : 季军:射手、摩羯、双鱼★★★
【12星座的变心指数】                    : 10、魔羯★
【12星座中谁是你的财神爷?】       : 摩羯座(白羊座)
【12星座邪恶榜】                          : 八 魔羯-不惹毛他就木问题
【最会逗人开心12星座排名】          : 第12名:摩羯座
【12星座傻妞排行】                       : 第11摩羯拉人垫背
【12星座MM各是什么美人】            : 摩羯座:雪美人
【12星座得寸进尺指数大曝光】       : 摩羯:★★
【12星座女生气的表现】                 : 魔羯—  安静一言不发
【12星座不为人知的一面】              :摩羯:浪漫多情
【12星座女最适合的星座男】           : 摩羯座★处女座男
十二星座__不爽时】                     : 魔羯—不断进行自我分析
十二星座__不能容许另一半】        : 魔羯—不能容忍--另一半不思进取不求上进
[十二星座内在美排行]                      : 第四名:摩羯座
【12星座谁最容易想太多】               : 第八名(摩羯座)
【12星座被什么打败!】                  : N0 1 摩羯-谎言
【十二星座谁最善良 最亲切 最会顾及别人感受】  : 第七名:摩羯座
【12星座女吃醋指数】                     : 摩羯女:吃醋指数40分
【12星座谁是超级大懒猪】              : 摩羯座:★
【没事就爱自拍的星座排行】            : 第四名:摩羯座 
【脾气最差的星座 但愿没有你】         : NO4. 魔羯座
 最容易脸红的星座: 【气温骤变就脸红】巨蟹座、摩羯座、水瓶座 
【最好吃懒做的星座】                      : 第九名:摩羯座
【12星座最不什么】                         : NO 11 摩羯最不浪漫
【十二星座谁最会假装快乐?】         : 摩羯座: ★★
【12星座假装的快乐】                    :  NO12 摩羯:制造出一些快乐的假象

12星座愛情走後的替代品               : 




Monday, September 5, 2011

little maid at home (part 1)

I'm the little maid doing housework at home today ....
will be continue being a little maid tomorrow....
start with here cooking lunch for sister ;
fry rice

then sweep the floor and wash toilet, with be continue tomorrow
in the evening have a drawing project due date Wednesday ....
fail drawing style ... 
still on trying again .... 
no idea on the drawing style..... :( 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

happy day with smurf movie ♥♥

I'm happy and excite in the sunny morning.
Yes ....
today i'm doing to watch smurf movie....    (hooray i my turn to watch it in the cinema)
they are so cute and adorable little smurf
i enjoy and have fun watching smurfs movie today ...


Friday, September 2, 2011

fall sick during holiday .....

today is a sunny day ....
i wake up early this morning 7.45am ...
menu of the day :
1. toast tomato paste bread pizza
2. delicious wild mushrooms sup
i so sick this morning, i went out to buy bread from a distant. :(
i have flu again ...

i can't to watch smurfs movie now ....
* Papa smurf
* Brainy smurf
* Smurfette   and many more

Monday, August 29, 2011

3rd day semester 4

Today is a sunny day
i watch brother bear at TV2,
which is so touching
all about the love of a man name Kenai toward the a bear cub name Koda.
Kenai was transforms into a bear due to miss kill of the cub mother.
Kenai with Koda make a deal which Kenai will go with Koda to a nearby salmon run and Koda will lead Kenai to the mountain, to seek Sitka's spirit ( Kenai elders brother that die save Kenai and his second brother
Denahi) so that he can be transforms back to human.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

2 more week semester 4 exams

23 august english for mass communication at 2pm (SC1)
26 august introduction of advertising at 2.30pm (PA6)

i miss my friends study at the it short course at kuchai lama
which everyday start at 8 in the morning and end at 4pm.
i miss all the familiar face of my friends :
Nur AsmahZulkarnain Zainal,Khairun Najmi, Thilakkumar So Batumalai,Kali ThasanPatricia Anne,Rajeswaran Chandran,Kevin Kumar,Maha Letchumy,Samuel Mok En Kwong,Gayathiri Koora Sri, and many more

continuous in part II 

Friday, June 24, 2011

A sad day

24 June 2011...
Today is a really sad day at all
start from last night i had food poisoning from the hostel Chinese canteen until now...
This person [XXX.XXX.XXX]  make me very sad.... :(       [ I'm OK now]

I cry so much this afternoon...
so sad all my dearest friend all very busy ...
I wish tomorrow will be a better day that can make me happy again!!

Hmm... Facebook also bully me
Don't let me asses at all

4 thing bully me today:
1. Food Poisoning- Don't let me eat food at all
2.Web Page Assignment- Whole project i need to do by myself, but this is a group assignment
3. Facebook- Don't let asses information
4. Also Facebook- Make me can't finish 2 assignment [Eng- PowerPoint and Advertising - report]

Friday, June 3, 2011

210511 1st trip to Selangor Turf Club

My first trip to Selangor Turf Club with classmate and friends !
Main propose capture picture of horse of assignment and competition by [TTG]
from early morning 6am- 3.30pm very tired day at all.
 5am wake up + breakfast
 6.30am College bus arrive
 8am Reach Selangor Turf Club
 8am-10am Arena 1: horse competition
10am-12pm Arena 2: training horses
12-2pm Horse stable [ place take horses to rest ]
2pm-3.30pm Waiting for the college bus
3.30-4.30pm Reach Tar College, Setapak

Friday, May 6, 2011

dear sunny day ♥ ♥

 Count down to Tar College :  2 more days to start semester 4 .....
 start from yesterday i'm been searches illustrator tutorial online ...
 this are some of the artworks i had done ....



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

4 May 2011

Oh ,semester break almost end..
count down for semester 4 at Tarc : 4 more days to go ..

Good news for semester 4
[ TTG ] hooray 4 photography, this time is applied photography

[ Cli ] hmm, curious here with ?
But i'm happy here! I'm going to Web page design

Aiyo headache agian ..
[ NCF ] again oh ...
most need
: Panadol
: 7-11 [seven eleven ] = need 24 hrs on call working
: Panda eyes circle [ because not enough sleep ] = professional robot

semester 4 time table part 1 [ complete coming soon ]

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

sem 3 holiday almost end

Holiday almost end ....
Semester 4 is coming soon ...
count down another 5 days for Semester 4 in Tar College.....
I'm being naughty in this holiday period :
1. mess up the bedroom [ my bed ]
2. mess up the kitchen [ while cooking in the kitchen ]
3. mess up myself [ online at Facebook playing games ]

so cute at all [ i like it ]

Monday, April 25, 2011

23 April 2011

23 April 2011

I got a package deliver by Campbell Soup company.
I got free sample of of tasty Campbell Soup.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

fun trip at Sunway Pyramid

Long time did't bring DSLR with me during the weekends!!
Movie of the week "World Invasion Battle; Los Angeles"
Battle between Humans and Aliens.

Picture taken by me at Sunway Pyramid. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My first black and white Pen drawing ...

Bamboo forest ...
Original picture

these all part by part that i had draw

final artwork (photocopy picture)

[original one hidden in a safe place]

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool 010411

I'm not happy today !
Because today is April Fool..
Quest what happen today ??
went a trip to College help 1 +3 guy to register for diploma courses ....
ran in and out and sweat a lot today...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Holiday wait 4 me HERE !

this is my the 3rd sem third week ....
few more weeks to go for sem break and my diploma for second year..
Holiday wait for me Here, i miss you [my camera 500D] ...
h.w / brief
* T.Specimens.Bk
* T.Pen.Dw E1, E2
* T.face Design L1, L2
* Dw wit/canvas 2ft x 2ft/ 3ft x 3ft [S.Wen special code ]

# i wish time can slower a bit
i want to spend more time with my friend Xhin Yee.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holiday almost end ....

3rd sem is coming soon.............
5 more days to go .......
class end until 8pm [oh no ]

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm back for the sem break ....

All these are one part of my collection during these years in my life.
At last busy study for the past 15 weeks is end now sem break has given now ....
Freedom at the moment to rest at home while preparing the coming Chinese New Year....
Hoping for a dream that always in my heart at " Mom, you are all the best I have ever get where ever you are you still live in my heart for now and future"